Thursday, April 19, 2012

This is .... all about the friendships.

They always say that men comes and goes but your true friends will always be there for you. There are what men call "BROMANCE" and to me there will always be my "SISTERHOOD".  As we mature, we realized that it really isn't about the quantity of friends that you have as it is all about the quality. I have a few set of girlfriends that I know I can always rely on. No matter how many relationships I have had, no matter how many heart breaks I go through there will always be there.

It's very typical for us female to lose touch with friends once we settle into a relationship. I remember my days in college, my time was spent with my then boyfriends. Every weekend, it was the boyfriend and I. Then the relationship ended, I did what every other female would normally do. I cut my hair, I moved to a different condo and called my girlfriends.

Relationships are meant to enhance our lives and magnified our happiness. I don't think that it has to be about compromising our individualities and changing our world. I frequently notice that in the beginning of most relationships, its rather exciting and beautiful. Once it gets serious, it becomes about possessiveness and obsessiveness. Women gets obsessed about what their significant others are doing when they are having their nights with their boys. Men starts to be possessive and uses their anger to show their jealousy. Is that really how you treat someone that you supposedly love and care for?  To me, I find that an absolute turn off. If a man tells me how much he adores me and want to be with me, buckle up boy.... I  value my girlfriends and I will not sacrifice my friendship to avoid arguments with you. I can come up with a tremendous amount of rebuttals to prove you that my "Sisterhood" is a sacred relationships that will remain with me until the day that I die.

When my heart was broken when my I know that it was time to let go of my college boyfriend, Cathy was there. When it was time to let go of  Jean, Cathy was there. When every single men I have met brought disappointment  in my life ( expected too much too soon!), I had Michele.. I had Jen.. I had Beth.. I had Tracey.. I had Eva to talk to.

I have learned that you can balance relationships and friendships. No men should ever have to sacrifice his night out with the boys nor should any women have to sacrifice a movie night or a spa day with the ladies. It is healthy to have a life outside your relationship. An ideal relationship, in my opinion should be when a man has his own life, his own friends, his own activities and vice versa. When it's your time together, it is all about you and him. A healthy relationship doesn't consist of jealousy, possessiveness and arguments. Ladies, allow your men to breath. Guys, allow your women to be her self and have time with her friends. When your significant is happy with their own lives, you will have a better relationship.

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